In this review, I will write about it from three perspectives: extraction, degassing (with a trick to bypass it), and taste.
1. Extraction: thick and very cinematic with beautiful crema. (Instagram esk extraction!) It's very forgiving for bad puck preps. (5 out of 5 stars)
2. Degassing: I find it weird that it still hasn't degassed although it's washed and been 14 days off roast. Won't complain, though! Just bear in mind to let it rest more than usual... Its gasses affect two things. 1. the cup visually gets immediately bubbly after pouring the milk to the extent that it curdles the milk sometimes... 2. the usual known taste of coffees that haven't degassed yet... So drinking it this way is unpleasant...
However, I found that when scooping out the crema the taste is 100% different! And the visual bubbles also disappear, It became extremely balanced and well-rounded. Removing the crema really did transcend its quality!
3. Taste: this is one of the very, very, few beans that I can't find words to describe. It isn't bitter nor acidic; however, it isn't as classic as the usual classic beans, but also not as fruity and acidic as the usual fruity beans... It tastes unique and different (only tried it as flat white). I'm loving experimenting with it.
In sum, removing the crema or waiting about 3 weeks (or more) makes this coffee 5 out of 5 stars, in my opinion... But drinking it as without removing the crema or without let it rest for a while makes it 2 out of 5 stars.