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Chinese Coffee

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Chinese Coffee

The upcoming region of China is now a fixture on our annual coffee release roster.

Our first Chinese coffee was roasted in 2018. For years the country was on our radar as an upcoming coffee region. It felt inevitable that a location with such incredible terroir potential and rapid development would come to produce unique speciality coffee and we wanted to be a part of showcasing it.

Coffee in China goes back to the 1800s when a French missionary introduced coffee to the Yunnan province. Catimor is amongst the most common varietals found in China. It was built to be hardy whilst producing a high yield. Although it has a mixed reputation for quality, when planted in the correct climate we’ve seen some amazing results. Now new coffee varietals and coffee processing methods other than washed are becoming more frequent. This combination has increased the flavour potential in the country, creating not one set profile but a selection as diverse as the country itself.

Expect coffees from this country to be featured throughout the year. If none are showing, simply head to our speciality coffee collection or further your learning with our Chinese Coffee Guides.